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Prints on Paper
Order a Professional Print, framed or un-framed,
on archival paper of ANY listed drawing or painting.
For interest in any unlisted image,
contact Richard directly.
Price List (Approx.)
Prices are for unframed prints, determined by the
LONG SIDE of the Print:
7" to 13"...................20$
14" to 20"...................30$
21" to 24"...................40$
25" to 29"...................50$
31" to 36"...................60$

Prints on Special Surfaces
Order a Professional Print as a wrap-around canvas or on a metal surface of any drawing or painting.
Price List (Approx.)
Prices are for canvas prints, determined by the
LONG SIDE of the Print:
10"to 16"...................60$
17"to 23"...................90$
24"to 30".................120$
31"to 36".................150$
For approx. pricing on metal prints, add 40%

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