"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
But unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
- Jesus, the Saviour-King

Art Evermore
My art is all about revealing the Eternal Kingdom, hidden to many, so it is my desire that every aspect of this website honours the True Creator-Saviour King.
Names carry significant meaning, so I sought out a new name through prayerful brainstorming. Nothing was coming to me, till I heard a quiet voice inside of me say, "What are you singing in your head right now?" I was unaware that I even had a song in my head, but there it was, just 2 words playing over and over in my mind: "..Evermore and Evermo-ore" from the ancient Christmas hymn, "Of the Father's Love Begotten" (by the 4th century poet, Aurelius Prudentius).
While I quickly recognized the obvious reference to Eternity, what stood out to me was a sensation of mystery, fantastic stories of hidden beings, a Kingdom with hidden treasures, forests with cottages, and grassy meadows with windmills overlooking the sea. "Evermore" spoke directly to the childlike heart in me, the same "me" that loves to spend time in my imagination with Jesus.
But wanting to make sure the name had a ring to it, I tried arranging words with "Evermore". When I typed into Google: "Art Evermore", it suggested: "which: wert and art and evermore shall be" - words I recognized from one of my favourite hymns as a child - "Holy, Holy, Holy". This was way too coincidental; I just had to go with it, because I believe that I will be creating art forevermore.
And that's how my King gave me the name He chose for my offering of artwork. And if this all seems too far-fetched to you, then look for the child inside and you'll find yourself one step closer on a journey of finding the Hidden Kingdom.

About Me
Whenever people ask when I started drawing, I always have to reply, “I don’t know; I guess I must have started when I could hold a pencil.” I never chose to start drawing, I couldn't help it, I simply loved to imagine things and then draw them or make them: big trucks, crazy hockey games, but most of all - animals and the outdoors where they lived.
I grew up on a small pig farm in Ontario, as one of many first-generation-Dutch-Canadian children of immigrant parents who not only taught us what to believe about God, but how to believe it. Though this gave me a strong foundation on which to view life, I was discouraged from ever using my imagination in these matters. My response was to just live religiously mundane, while still seeking temporary pleasures, and trying to be a nice guy. But then I met this girl….
She too believed in a Creator and a Savior but she was searching for a God who offered freedom and joy, not just rules. So if I wanted to know this beautiful, barefoot, Montana-born, surfing marine biologist in California, named Becky, I had to go deeper. Thus began an adventure together of discovering the treasures of Truth hidden by a Playfully Artistic God who burns with consuming passion at all extremes of Order and Wild Freedom, Justice and Gracious Mercy.
My journey of getting to know Emmanuel (God-with-us) - as my own Almighty Father, YHWH; my All-Loving Groom, Jesus; and His ever-present Holy Spirit, Rûaħ, has brought me on many adventures: from training birds-of-prey at Sea World to working with troubled youth in San Diego, from teaching art in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea to elite college-prep students in California, from inspiring students, teachers, and other artists about Kingdom Creativity in Tanzania and Ecuador, to opening students' imaginations in the interior of BC, Canada and the island of Hawaii. But most exciting of all, trying to pass on this legacy of co-creating life with God to our 4 incredibly talented sons.
But this journey has especially unlocked my own imagination. I didn't always see my art as a gift from the Creator for the purpose of reflecting His Glory, and that of the Saviour, Jesus. And I certainly don't think that my artwork or my life is a perfect revelation of God's Loving Nature and His Complex Design for Life. But I hope that each painting or drawing or sculpture will flow more in Rhythm with how He is moving in Heaven and earth until the dawn of the New Evermore.

Westlake Academy of Art, Westlake Village, CA, USA
One course of study in Figure Drawing, 2004
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Bachelor of Education, Teacher Preparation, Aug., 1993
Professional Certification with BC College of Teachers
Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Bachelor of Fine Arts, May, 1991
Major: Visual Arts Minor: History
Windsor University, Windsor, ON, Canada
One year of study of Fine Arts Fundamentals, 1988

Art Teaching Experiences
2010 – 2018: Kings Christian School, Salmon Arm, BC, Canada,
- Taught Grades K - 12
- Lead high school Art/HIking/Surf trips to Banff, Calgary, and Oregon Coast
- Organized a “Day of Art” Elementary Symposium
2008 – 2010: Haven of Peace Academy (HOPAC), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Taught Art to students of various religions from 30+ countries, grades 5 - 12
- Taught Cambridge International IGCSE Art and A-level Art and Design;
- Designed and developed a multi-cultural, art curriculum
2001 – 2008: Oaks Christian School, Westlake Village, CA, USA
- Taught Art to grades 6 – 12
- Co-designed room Art Department room layout
- Help coordinate multi-media art presentations and shows
- Lead various art trips to Monterey Bay and San Francisco
1996 – 2000: Pacific Orientation Course, Madang, Papua New Guinea
- Children's Program Director for Wycliffe Bible Translators, South Pacific
Orientation Program
- Developed creative art/adventure-based curriculum to help children from
various countries transition from their home to life in Melanesian culture
- Taught academic curriculum and lead activities such as hiking, snorkelling,
and exploring local cultural and ecological sites
1995 – 1996: House of Hope School, San Diego, CA
- Taught Art and Social Studies to severely emotionally disturbed boys,
ages 10 – 18
1993 – 1995: The Art Center (Daycare), San Diego, CA
- Taught Art, using a variety of mediums and styles to children, ages 4 – 15

Awards, Publications, and Interests
2004 - Art Teacher of the Year - Annual Award for Teaching
Excellence in Art Education within California, awarded by
Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angles, CA
2001 - Ten paintings and drawings published in the book,
"In The Image of God, Faces and Souls that Reflect Their
Creator, by Hyatt Moore and Artists of Wycliffe Bible
Personal Interests include: Drawing, painting, photography,
hiking, camping, pond hockey, surfing, snorkelling, and
animal training